[HIS1111] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 59 pages long Study Guide!

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Blockade, and life in western and eastern europe. Germans were held accountable for the nazis because they allowed it to happen. They marched common germans into the concentration camps. Germany was divided into usa, french, english, soviet and each territory could process denazi cation as they see t. Wilhelm furtwangler (1939) was an important german musician, helped out jews. A series of trials 1945 - 1949. The rst trials are of senior of cials. The idea of genocide and crimes against humanity is rst put forward. Held in nuremberg because that"s where the party apprentice was. German is dragged into the east-west situation early in the cold war period. West - federal republic of germany may 1949. East - german democratic republic fall 1949. West trying to unify itself to avoid being overwhelmed by the soviets. Western powers are afraid of soviet aggression in eastern europe. Not as much stalin but capitalism vs. communism.