[GRT2111] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (31 pages long!)

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Can occur whenever someone takes more than one drug. May take more than one drug for multiple reasons: more than one disorder, multiple drugs for one disorder, otc medications, supplements, or found in food. A drug is anything that has an active compound. Increased adverse effects or therapeutic affects: reduction of effects, adverse or therapeutic, creation of a unique response. Drugs interact by four mechanisms: chemical or physical interaction, pharmacokinetic interactions, altered absorption, distribution, renal excretion, metabolism, pharmacodynamics interactions, receptors, combined toxicity. Risk for interaction is dependent on number of drugs taken. Can lead to nutrient imbalances or interfere with drug efficacy. Adverse effects most likely when: drugs taken over long period of time, several drugs are taken, nutrition status is poor, elderly are most vulnerable. Drugs can alter food intake: affect appetite, make eating difficult or unpleasant, lead to weight loss or malnutrition, stimulate appetite.