ENG 1120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Postcolonialism, Resplendent Quetzal, Free Indirect Speech

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Remember that if you use a point in a certain story, you can"t use it a second time. Definitions + examples in story (choose 10 out of 20) 1 point on definition, 1 point in story, 1 point how you see it working in the story. Only 4 points for each explanation! (6 points each: 1 for author, 1 for title, 4 points explanation) You can use the same story as previous section, but don"t repeat points. One out of 5 questions given with be about one particular story (recent story) Dependance on other people the unconscious gender roles ideology. Power struggle ( was one of the essay topics, but you can probably incorporate it in your essay) You universal (rope, the boat) capitalized words -> symboles romance vs realism (araby) *styles of narration characterizations (yellow wallpaper, the boat, resplentdent quetzal) *unreliable narrator (fall of the house of usher)