ENG 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Simile, Great Canadian Theatre Company, Purple Prose

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Ii: english 1100 notes (summarized based on oral delivery by teaching assistant). Need a central position and then decide how to support it rather than have three main points. Use examples and illustrations to bolster up that position. Expository writing (narrative and descriptive) should move to a more challenging part when the analysis is sorted out. It is important to move from exposition to argumentation. First section of essay should provide background information for significance, definitions about what you will discuss, scientific details depending on your topic (climate change, etc). This is the easier part; external sources provide it. You have to put it into your own words, synthesize it, etc. Next points will move toward your own position, your argument. The reader is an active reader and it is important to address those counter-arguments. 3 major points: not necessary and it will not always work. The thesis must move from description and exposition to analysis and argumentation.