ENG 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hamartia, List Of Narrative Techniques, Metonymy

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23 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Alliteration: the repetition of initial letters in two or more words. Allusion: casual reference to a historical or literary figure or event. Analogy: a comparison of two things by which one unfamiliar object or idea is explained by comparing it with other familiar objects or ideas. Antithesis: a literary technique in which opposite or strongly contrasting statements are balanced against each other for emphasis. There must not only be an opposition of ideas but it should be manifested through similar grammatical structure. Cacophony: harsh or dissonant sounds deliberately used by writers, especially poets, to achieve a particular effect. Connotation: an additional, suggested, or implied meaning of words. Contrasts with denotation, which is the exact, literal meaning. Connotations may change with time, place, and experience. Denotation: the specific, exact meaning of a word, independent of its emotional colouration or associations. Diction: the use of words in oral or written form.