[CRM3314] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 40 pages long Study Guide!

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Unit one: drugs, drugs, drugs some are good, some are bad . When drugs that are pharmaceuticals are thought to be beneficial for particular users and other users, criminalized. Properties that are capable of entering blood stream and altering the central nervous system: not will, but are capable of. Can affect brain (mood, perception, consciousness, cognition, behaviour: not will, but can, different drugs can do different things to different people, people who possessed crack, were sentenced 100 times harsher than those who possessed powdered cocaine. Illegal stimulants: cocaine, meth, mdma: legal stimulants: ritalin, adderall, ssris, caffeine, nicotine. Illegal depressants: rohypnol: legal: valium, xanax, alcohol. Illegal hallucinogens: lsd, psilocybin, nitrous oxide, ketamine: legal: nbomes. Illegal opioids: heroin: legal: oxycodone (oxycontin), vicodin, percocet, codeine. Cannabis indica: more stoned stuff, sativa: munchies, giggles, energetic. Even though these do very different things to people, they are all drugs~