CRM 2301 Study Guide - Final Guide: White-Collar Crime, Ethology, Pearson Education

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It is clear that we co-exist in a society that is not perfect; there are no perfect people. There are always some people that are classified as good, and others bad. No matter what procedure, treatment or trial we try, deviant behaviour is without a doubt going to exist in some form. There will always be a type of conflict between two people; there is no such utopian world that exists. The reasoning behind deviance is a complicated issue; each person may have their own reason that causes the explanation to be divided between many theorists with many different ideas, through multiple aspects of studies. Some blame causal factors on biological aspects, others sociological, psychological, and environmental. These theories provide the framework that helps us to understand the ideas about observed patterns and their meaning. To illustrate, gervais introduced a parable that described how different individuals deal with crime.