CRM 1301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Female Promiscuity, Peer Pressure, Mattress

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Cannot accept it at face value y flawed: therefore, criminals are physically and mentally defective due to genetics. Recommendation: sterilization: critique, failure to measure substantial environmental influences (heredity & environment, only studied males. Richard dugdale nducted general family studies more strongly among family members. Reviewed 7 generations of the juke: went to a ny county jail and found that 6 people in jail were blood related. The problem: feeble-mindedness: all criminals are feeble-minded, but not all feeble-minded are criminals. This can explain why they are committing crime and where does it this behavior come from: survival of the fittest (natural selection, society must stop interfering with natural selection. Alfred binet"s intelligence tests: bigger heads = smart, smaller heads = morons, guilty of researcher"s bias (researcher manipulates the results to find the outcome) Developed tool to ascribe mental age to individuals ental age divided by chronological age and multiply by 100 (iq =