CRM 1300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ecological Fallacy, Richard Cloward, Symbolic Interactionism

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Formed by many disciplines, providing unique perspectives (each of which includes strengths and liabilities) on issues of crime, criminality, criminal justice, security, and public safety. It includes the processes of making laws, breaking laws, and reacting to the breaking of laws. Consensualist: there are issue with the system, but it can be reformed, made better. Conflictual: the system is corrupt, nothing can be done to reform it, abolish it. Lecture 2: twin streams of the disciple of criminology. Cesare beccaria: the beginning of a scientific theory of punishment and criminal justice: building a theory as to what works" to control crime. How does law in the criminal justice system be structured in addressing the issue of crime. How to shape behavior to make it better to fit society. They were more focused on punishment beating the devil out of you . You can"t just scare people into submission, they will start to ignore the law and not obey it.