[CMN1148] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (35 pages long)

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Introduction to organizational communication chapter 1 | lecture 1 | the communication process. Communication is the process of acting upon information (we say or do something and others think or do something in response) Clothing (religion, name brands, sports teams, etc. ) Human communication: the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others. Interpersonal communication: when we interact simultaneously with another person and mutually in uence each other. Organizational communication: the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others in the context of organizations for the achievement of mutual goals. Communication models are simpli ed representations of the human communication process, and help us to understand complex things. Intrapersonal communication: communication internal to the self (inside our heads) Interpersonal communication: when we interact simultaneously with another personal and mutually in uence each other (involves someone else)