APA 2180 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Circular Reasoning, Teleology, Operational Definition

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If slide is not in this review, you don"t need to worry about it for the exam (point form short quesions e. g. 2 aspects of 5 something. Muliple versions of exam, diicult to disinguish between them, don"t cheat! Use the empirical approach to avoid misleading results and poor interpretaions. Data empirical evidence (gathered through research) or informaion one gathers carefully according to rules or procedures. Basic research: fundamental knowledge, source of new ideas breakthroughs, oten has limited pracical applicaion, consumer = scieniic community. Applied research: bridges fundamental research and real world, addresses speciic concerns, very pracical, consumer praciioners, public, government. A systemaic examinaion of previously published studies on a research quesion, issue, or method that a researcher undertakes and integrates together to prepare for conducing a study or to bring together and summarize the state of the ield . Carefully crated summary of the recent studies conducted on a topic.