ANP1107- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Store and concentrates bile for eventual secretion into the duodenum via the hepatopancreatic ampulla. Bile- emulsifier; alkaline substance containing bile salts/pigments, cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and electrolytes. It"s function is to assist in fat digestion. Gallstones are crystallized cholesterol that get stuck in the bile duct. main bile pigment is bilirubin (waste product of hemoglobin); intestinal bacteria convert bilirubin to stercobilin turns feces brown. Cck: (ii) stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice (iii) relaxes hepatopancreatic sphincter bile salts are conserved by recycling (90-95%) through the enterohepatic circulation: Ileum (bile transporter) to blood to liver (via hepatic portal vein) to new bile. Bile salts in portal circulation is the most important stimulus for bile secretion. (i) stimulates gallbladder contraction. Largely retroperitoneal; gland extending across the abdomen from it"s head to tail. Creates pancreatic juice- contains a wide range of digestive enzymes (acinar cells) and bicarbonate secreted via the pancreatic duct to the hepatopancreatic ampulla, emptying into the duodenum.