ANP 1106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Visual Cortex, Hearing Aid, Optic Disc

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Rods: roger went for his annual eye exam and was informed that his intraocular pressure was slightly elevated (at 22 mmhg). The physician expressed concern and noted that if the condition got worse, eyedrops would be merited. What is the function of eyedrops: glaucoma. Blindness could result if not treated or caught early. The eyedrops increase the rate of aqueous humor drainage or decrease its production: a 75-year-old complained that her vision was becoming obscured. Upon exam she was told she had cataracts. What are cataracts, how do they occur, and how are they treated: cataract- clouding of the lens. Some cataracts are congenital, but most are due to age-related hardening and thickening of the lens, diabetes mellitus, or exposure to uv rays over time. This is because the cornea: has no blood supply. True: the photoreceptor cells are sensitive to damage from light. True: the anterior chamber of the eye is filled with vitreous humor.