ANP 1106 Study Guide - Final Guide: Quadriceps Femoris Muscle, Alpha Motor Neuron, Resting Potential

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Lecture 1: physiology of the nervous system pg. 73-75, 78-80, 395-420 skip closer look : nerve impulses and synaptic transmission, compare graded potentials and action potentials, review the mechanisms of synaptic transmission, describe the major classes and functions of neurotransmitters. Action potentials - (nerve impulses) are generated in the cell body (axon hillock) and carried down the axon; this is based on electrical potentials across the axon membrane. Anp1106b: in a neuron at rest only k channels are open and therefore only k+ currents are present contributing to the membrane potential, resting membrane potential: -70 mv. Anp1106b: stimuli can cause the membrane potential to become more negative hyper-polarizing or more positive depolarizing. Graded potentials (short distances): short lived localized changes in membrane potential current ow decreases with distance (decremental) they are graded because current ow varies with stimulus strength sensory receptor/generator potential neurotransmitter postsynaptic potential.