ADM 2336 Study Guide - Final Guide: Absenteeism, Goldbricking, Profit Sharing

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Chapter 3: know the three types of commitment affective/continuous/normative, know the two models of affective commitment: social influence model and erosion model, know the four general responses: exit, voice, loyalty, neglect, know the two types of withdrawal and all the subtypes: psychological: daydreaming, moonlighting, cyber loafing, socializing, looking busy and physical: tardiness, absenteeism, quitting, missing meetings, long breaks. Chapter 4: what facet, according to the value percept theory, has the strongest influence on overall satisfaction satisfaction with work itself, know all the elements of job characteristics theory: variety, identity, significance, autonomy, feedback, know the three psychological states associated with job characteristics theory: meaningfulness; responsibility of outcomes; knowledge of results, what is job enrichment: when job duties and responsibilities are expanded to provide increased levels of core job characteristics, what is the difference between a mood and emotion: mood(cid:224) mild and long lasting.