ADM2336- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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Understanding human behaviour and applying it to organization and your careers. Frederick taylor is the founding father of organizational behaviour (he called it scientific management) The hawthorne studies which took place in the western electric companies they brighten up the lights and their employees worked more and then they lowered the lights and they as well worked more. Because of the hawthorne studies and the human relations movement. Job performance: to get the behaviour that you want in your business you must explain and show what the job performance that you want. In this case they all needed to try to keep the customers. Results objective measures of outcomes = they looked at the out come. Behaviour specific behaviours employees engage in = the way the employees connect with the customers. Most of the chapter looks at the behaviour. Volitional behaviours positively or negatively organizational goals ( look at text book)