ADM 1370 Study Guide - Final Guide: Business Intelligence, Computer Simulation

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Excel: computerized spreadsheet application used to build and manipulate worksheets and workbooks. Auto-fill: can be used to duplicate formulas or functions, by dragging down the cell that contains the formula. Function: a named operation that is already predefined which also returns a value. Autosum: summarizes using a sign statistic of row/column sum, average, total, max, min. Formulation: transformation of real problem to a mathematical model, identify problem, then develop model. Solution: solving the model to obtain the optimal solution, analyze model, then test results. Interpretation: analyzing results and implementing solution, perform sensitivity, then present result and implement solution. Models: simplified versions of the things they represent, presents accurate and relevant characteristics of the object being studied. Types of models: mental (arranging furniture), visual (blueprints and roadmaps), physical/scale (buildings), mathematical (financial analysis) Computer model: set of mathematical relationships and logical assumptions implemented in a computer as a representation of a real-world situation.