SOCI 1000U Study Guide - Final Guide: Times New Roman, Anthropocene, Academic Journal

154 views5 pages
8 Dec 2018

Document Summary

The assignment: students submit one 5 page paper, double-spaced. All papers should be in times new roman 12pt, with standard default margins. Page count does not include cover page or bibliography. Value: the paper is worth 30% of the total course mark. The topic: students will watch the documentary anthropocene. Type of paper: this is a research paper, not an opinion essay. Your job is to display the available evidence, cite it properly, and make your conclusions based on that evidence. Submission: students will submit all papers electronically via blackboard which will automatically submit to turnitin (without need of a password) Papers are due november 14 by 11:59 pm. Papers more than one week late will not be accepted. On blackboard: go to paper assignment, paper submission, then submit as an attached file. Feedback: a link to your marked grading rubric with comments will appear in the paper section once your mark has been released.