BADM*1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: False Imprisonment, Bailment, Income Tax

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15 Mar 2017

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5 defects: misrepresentation the representation helps you decide to enter into a contract. A representation is a statement made before a contract is formed. Ex. a misrepresentation about how a car is 2 thousand kilometers on it. You have relied on a misrepresentation (material representation) then the contract is unenforceable. You do not have to buy the car. Mr. queen had a good job, an accountant. He began discussions with a company, the company told queen it was going to develop a new software accounting package and they would have him to work on. So queen left his old job to work for this company. 2 weeks, company says they decided not to go through the new software, and gave him a one-month notice. The court said the company was negligent misrepresentation. It failed to tell queen that the project had to be approved at higher levels.