SOC 101 Midterm: Midterm 3 Review Review material for the third midterm; covers lecture and textbook notes on religion, crime and mass media (chapters 13, 14, 17).

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How the forces influences individuals and their lives. Religion: a set of organised beliefs about the supernatural or spiritual world that guides behaviour. Sociologists study religion to investigate its relationship with social forces and joins people into communities of believers. Key concept to religion is faith: a belief system based on conviction that does not require objective evidence to substantiate its claims. Joins people into communities of believers that promote social stability and a sense of belonging. Protects individuals from anomie and alienation, helps them resist disruptive social movements: provides people with a social identity. Solidarity is affirmed and enhanced through public rituals and ceremonies: provides social control through establishment of moral standards of behaviour. Orderly social existence is only possible when people share common moral values: provides people with a sense of purpose and brings meaning to their lives. Explains where people come from and where they are going: provides a social service function.