PSYC 309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dysphoria, Basal Ganglia, Measurement Problem

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Sensory memory everything you sense/perceive/recently encounter v. vast (more than you can process: use attention to get a chunk of the info that is relevant and important to put into working memory. Working memory (cid:449)/e (cid:449)e"(cid:396)e thinking about from moment to moment: attention & working memory overlap what you pay attention to is what is in your working memory. Encoding taking the info to create a long lasting durable memory: eg. studying for exam, meeting someone new to remember their faces) attention is required. Long term memory if memory is encoded well, enters long term memory: me(cid:373)o(cid:396)(cid:455) (cid:455)ou"(cid:448)e a(cid:272)(cid:395)ui(cid:396)ed th(cid:396)oughout (cid:455)ou(cid:396) life. Retrieval calling upon the knowledge when it makes sense (in correct context), so can think/make decisions. Pfc helps use choose to pay attention to what is important/meaningful. Pfc = guardian/gatekeeper (fence/boundary) blocks distracting information (going to the working memory) out.