PHIL 120 Study Guide - Propositional Formula, Indonesian Rupiah, Ibm System P

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4 Nov 2014

Document Summary

Group discussion activity: suppose the propositions a, b, and c are as given below. Suppose further that a, b, and c are all true. Determine the truth values of each of the following formulas of rp. A = socrates is/was human , b = socrates is/was mortal , c = einstein is/was mortal : So, (see p. 152 of the textbook) (4) topics mentioned in c are socrates , being human [the same as in c]; (5) topics mentioned in (a v c) are socrates , being human , einstein , and. Being mortal [the same as in (b a)]. Now we can decide whether the relevant subformulas are related to each other: (a v c) c. [t: r(c, c), i. e, they are related, i. e. , c is f [rp-negation works just usual. [t: r(a,b), i. e. , they are related (via socrates ), i. e. , (a & b) is t [in fact,