PHIL 120 Study Guide - Radioactive Contamination, Ad Hominem, Baculum

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For each of the following arguments, identify the premises and the conclusion and place the argument in standard form. Clearly write down the propositions that are premises and which are conclusions. It is right that men should value the soul rather than the body; for perfection of soul corrects the inferiority of the body, but physical strength without intelligence does nothing to improve the mind. Premise: perfection of soul corrects the inferiority of the body. Premise: physical strength without intelligence does nothing to improve the mind. Conclusion: men should value the soul rather than the body. The table, which we see, seems to diminish, as we remove father from it; but the real table, which exists independent of us, suffers no alteration; it was, therefore, nothing but its image, which was present to the mind. Premise: the table, which we see, seems to diminish, as we remove father from it.