GEOG 329- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Geopolitics --> about representing the world and how the world is being represented. The way in which maps are being visualized, impacts how geopolitics are portrayed. Maps: they represent information and they are also a representation of something, includes the scale, projection and symbolization (most of maps are made up of symbols --> lines/contours) Provides a distance from the material and social world --> you see the world from above and draw a map based on a "gods eye- view" of what you think the world looks like. Maps are not neutral or natural depictions, they are. Map"s throughout history had very different visual representations of the world, i. e. the roman world map, where all roads are presumed to lead to rome or the anaximander (which separated the world into 3 main sections) Subliminal/unconscious geometries --> example would be how europe enforced their own world hegemony.