WRDS 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Apposition

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Abstraction: abstract words, concepts, ideas, and entities that could be said to have essentially mental existence. Occupy the highest levels of generality and perform a cognitive function. Prestige abstractions: high-value abstractions attract the attention of members of a particular academic community; display the writer"s allegiance to the interests and knowledge-making methods of that community; establish the writer"s right to speak as a member of the community. Apposition/appositive: a grammatical structure, signaled by commas, dashes, a colon, parentheses, (cid:498)or(cid:499), and (cid:498)i. e. (cid:499) Reported speech: a projected representation of another"s words, directly or indirectly; we use reported speech that puts an equivalent expression next to a term that the writer estimates as important but difficult for a reader. The appositive may define and narrow the meaning and application of an important word or it may expand and amplify the sense of the term.