STAT231 Study Guide - Final Guide: Toshiyori, Test Statistic, Null Hypothesis

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Ppdac = problem / plan / data / analysis / conclusion (see the nal page for a summary) The target population is the set of animals, people or things about which you wish to draw conclusions. A unit is a singleton of the target population. The sample population is a speci ed subset of the target population. A sample is a singleton of the sample population and a unit of the study population. )/statistic(sample) is a characteristic of a population which is usually denoted by a function of the response variate. It can have two other names, depending on the population studied. The aspect is the goal of the study and is generally one of the following: descriptive, compar- ative, causative, and predictive. Let a(x ) be de ned as an attribute as a function of some population or sample x. Similar to above, we de ne the sample error as a(s. p. )