[SOC 221] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (29 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Most of the homonins discussed in this chapter lived in the middle. Pleistocene era this era has been called the ice age because it was marked by advances and retreats of glaciation. More pleistocene fossils have been found in europe than any other region. Neanderthals: their main population lived from 75000 years ago and ended 10,000 years ago. One striking feature of the neanderthals is brain size, their brain size was larger than homo sapiens today. One of the most important discoveries was made in 1908 at a chapel in. They found a body buried in a shallow grave in a flexed position. Brain size was 1520 cc, means they lived in a cold climate and this also corresponds with a larger body size they had shorter limbs, and had a long projected face they loved in europe and western asia.