SOC101 Final: Lecture 10 and 11 Notes - Globalization and Global Environment Complete analysis of these 2 topics covered. In-depth summaries with good examples!!!!!

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Absolute poverty/ object people are living in a state where there"s a failure to provide basic needs of life; water, food, etc. Low income cutoff arbitrary amount of yearly income that if you fall below that you can"t obtain basic necessities of life. Relative poverty people perceive that they don"t have what they think they deserve to have in a society. These terms are used to measure a degree of society in regards to poverty. Market basket approach generates an imaginary collection of goods and services that government put together to determine what it takes to live healthy in a community. One way to address poverty is for wealthy to give people that don"t have anything whatever they need. Spend less time focusing on people who are down and out, and concentrate on stimulating economic growth that would benefit everybody. Governments in the united states have followed this approach.