SMF204 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pedophilia, Transvestism, Hypogonadism

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Puberty: the stage in which reproduction first becomes possible. Secondary sex characteristics: the physical characteristics that differenciate males and females but are not directly involved in reproduction. Menarche: the first menstration; generally between ages 10 and 18. Serial monogamy: a pattern of becoming involved in one exclusive relationship after another as opposed to engaging in multiple sex relationships at the same time. Cohabitation: living together as though married but with no legal sanction. Polygamy: simultaneous marriage to more than one person. Homogamy: the practice of marrying someone who is similar to oneself in social background and standing. Polyamory: any form of open relationship that allows for consensual sex with more than one person. Sexual dysfunctions: persistent or recurrent difficulties in becoming sexually aroused or reaching orgasm. Hypogonadism: an endocrine disorder that reduces the output of testosterone. Sex therapy: a collective term for short-term behavioural models for treatment of sexual dysfunctions. Sti: infections that are communicated through sexual contact.