SE101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Academic Freedom, Academic Integrity, Technical Report

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Academic freedom is protected and carries with it the duty to use that freedom in a responsible and ethical way. Does not extend to disruption of other students, faculty, or staff members. Academic integrity is a commitment to: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility. Responsible for demonstrating behavior that is honest and ethical in their academic work. Abide by university policies and provincial/federal legislation. Submitting original work, citing sources fully, and respecting authorship. Preventing work from being used by others. Asking for clarification of expectations as necessary. Adhering to principles of academic integrity when conducting/reporting research: non-academic. Students are individually responsible for their actions whether acting alone or in a group. Respecting the rights and property of others. Allowing for peaceful and safe enjoyment of university campus/facilities. Abiding by university policies, municipal bylaws, and provincial/federal legislation: procedural fairness. Presumption of innocence until contrary is established. Be made aware of the case against him/her.