SDS150R Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Attention Seeking, Identity Crisis, Conflict Resolution

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Sds chapter 8: social and personality development in early childhood. Gross motor skills: use of large muscles to perform various acts. Fine motor skills: use of smaller muscle groups. Climbs stairs with both feet on each step. Hauls and shoves big toys around obstacles. Walks in any direction pulling large toys. Walks up and down stairs one foot per step. At age 2, children scribble about 20 different scribbles are common, including vertical, horizontal, zig-zag and circular lines. At this age, children are delighted by the simple times that are created just by moving a crayon or marker across paper. At age 3, most children are in the shape stage, in which they draw six basic shapes, circles, rectangles, triangles, crosses, x"s, and odd-shaped forms. At age 3 or 4, most children move into the design stage, in which they combine the 6 basic shaped to create more complex patterns.