RS100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dukha People, Orthopraxy, Slacker

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Buddhism arose in india at a time a great change. The iron plow helped with the intensification of agriculture (produce more with fewer people) With iron came iron weapons (can do more damage that previous weapons) Kinship system was an oligarchy (a tribe formed with many clans and within the clans many families exercised control over land). Land was worked in common and ruled by the heads of the clans and profits were distributed as they see fit. Kinship system began to break down after technological change. Land was handed down to individual clans and people who were not needed for agricultural work were displaced off the land. Displacement (remove from villages) caused the people to move to the cities (indus. Valley civilization was the first urbanization of india) making it the second urbanization of. With urbanization came its problems, overcrowding, disease, poverty and also psychological suffering.