RS100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Thrice, Vaishya, Shudra

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Thousand-headed purusha, thousand-eyed, thousand-footed he, having pervaded the earth on all sides, still extends ten fingers beyond it. Purusha alone is all this whatever has been and whatever is going to be. Further, he is the lord of immortality and also of what grows on account of food. Such is his greatness; greater, indeed, than all this is purusha. All creatures constitute but one quarter of him, his three0quarters are the immortal in the heaven. With his three-quarters did purusha rise up; one quarter of him again remains here. With it did he variously spread out on all sides over what eats and what eats not. From him was the wind born and from the wind evolved purusha. He being born, projected himself behind the earth as also before it. When the gods performed the sacrifice with purusha as the oblation, then the spring was it"s clarified butter, the summer the sacrificial fuel, and the autumn the oblation.