RS100 Midterm: earth midterm review.pdf

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Regolith: the layer of rock that cover nearly everywhere on the earths land surface (blanket rock) A- mainly mineral, finer particles move down to this layer. Frost wedging- repeated freeze and thaw of water in pores and fractures. Unloading- the reduction of confining stress when rocks are brought to surface because of erosion on the top layer fracturing into a skin layer. Chemical weathering- bedrock and internal material is broken down converting some parent material into different minerals, water plays a big role. Mafic minerals are least resistant to weathering. Soil is then where slopes become steeper. Dry strength- try to break with fingers, the siltier or sandier the easier to break. Knife test- cut piece with knife, if shiny the clay content is high. Teeth test- grind small fragment against teeth, gritty is a lot of silt, smooth is clay particles no silt. Clay < 2um, 2-60 um =silt, 60-2000 um=sand, gravel >10 mm.