PSYCH101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Null Hypothesis, Behavioural Sciences, Dependent And Independent Variables

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Know the general progression for the history of Psychology.
Father of psychology - William James
Descartes Dualism
What is the difference between Dualism and Substance Dualism (AKA, Descartes’ Dualism)
Dualism implies that the mind and body are different entities that work
simultaneously and Descartes’ dualism implies that only thought’s are a preview of
the soul.
What do Kant’s faculties of mind translate into for Hilgard?
Kant said the 3 irreducible faculties of the mind: knowledge, feeling, desire which
translated into cognition, emotion and motivation for Hilgard.
The scope of Psychology is very broad. What are psychologists interested in when it comes
to: Basic processes, development, individual differences, pathology and applications?
Basic processes - how the mind works
Development - origin of the mind
Individual Differences - Idiosynatric (individual) organizations of mental life
Pathology - Disorders of mental life
Applications - education, therapy, work
How does Psychology fit into the Behavioural Sciences?
Behavioural science is the study of the interactions between organisms in the world
and Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and the mind.
What is the Doctrine of Mentalism (Mental Causation) and how does it apply to Psychology?
Mental state is to action as cause is to effect - actions are caused by thoughts
What are the levels of explanation?
Sociocultural (social reason), Psychological (feels), Biophysical (neurons)
Can you come up with your own example that is analogous to the Suicide example for the
Psychological level of explanation?
Dropping out of college
How do we think about the different levels of explanation from different disciplines?
How does Psychology fit into the Social Sciences? Biological Sciences? Physical Sciences?
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Social Sciences - social interaction/personality
Biological Sciences - neuroscience
Physical Sciences - brain imaging
Is Psychology completely independent from other sciences, or does it still overlap?
What are some careers you could have if you pursued Psychology?
Academic Department
Clinical departments
• School
Government/ Private Sector
What are the differences between exploratory research and theory testing?
Exploratory research uses observations and case studies while theory testing tests
theories about cause effect relationships using variables
What are the key characteristics of empirical research? How do theories and hypotheses fit
Theory Testing - must have potential to falsify theory
Generate Hypothesis - a testable prediction about processes that can be can
observed and measured
must be 2 hypothesis
Research hypothesis(evidence for /against theory)/ Null hypothesis (against/
no result)
What are the differences between correlational and experimental research? What are the
benefits/pitfalls of each?
Correlational has magnitude and direction while experimental research establishes
whether variable is caused by one or more variables
Know the terminology: Predictor/Predicted variable and Independent/Dependent variable
Predictor variable - the variable you think is relevant
Predicted variable - the variable of interest
Independent variable - the variable the experimenter manipulates
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Dependent variable - the variable the experimenter measures
Think about what circumstances might result in only being able to do correlational studies.
When causation doesn't need to be implied
What is the “third variable problem” and what is a confound?
A confound aka ‘the third variable problem’ is the fact that uncontrolled additional
variables that may correlate with the predictor and effect the outcome in correlational
/experimental research.
What are the types of designs for experimental research?
Within subject - same group of people do multiple conditions/ exposed to different
Between subject - different groups do each condition/ exposed to different levels
How do we know whether the numerical differences that we see between groups in an
experimental design are meaningful? How do we know whether a correlation we find is
Look at the experiment well
What are the three basic aspects of good scientific research?
Quality Measurement
• Generalizability
Reduce Bias
Know the terms associated with quality measurement: objective measurements, variables
vs. constants, operational definitions, reliability, validity. Can you think of examples for all of
Objective measurements - measurements are within certain margin of error no
matter researcher or instrument used
Variables vs. constants -
Operational definitions - statements that describe the procedures and/or measures
used to record observations
Reliability - measure providing a consistent/stable answer across multiple
Validity - degree to which an instrument or procedure actually measures what it
claims to measure
Know how to improve generalizability.
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Document Summary

History and scope: know the general progression for the history of psychology. What are psychologists interested in when it comes to: basic processes, development, individual differences, pathology and applications: basic processes - how the mind works, development - origin of the mind. Physical sciences: social sciences - social interaction/personality, biological sciences - neuroscience, physical sciences - brain imaging. Is psychology completely independent from other sciences, or does it still overlap: yes, what are some careers you could have if you pursued psychology, academic department, clinical departments, school, government/ private sector. Independent variable - the variable the experimenter manipulates: dependent variable - the variable the experimenter measures. Look at the experiment well: what are the three basic aspects of good scienti c research, quality measurement, generalizability, reduce bias, know the terms associated with quality measurement: objective measurements, variables vs. constants, operational de nitions, reliability, validity.