PSYCH101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Unconditional Positive Regard, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Sympathetic Nervous System

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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Psych 101 final exam: long answer review notes: compare and contrast generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobic disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder, panic, disorder, and phobic disorder, all compare and contrast in the following ways. Involves chronic, elevated anxiety tied to no specific threat or stimuli. Is characterized by constant worrying about everyday events, avoiding decisions, and endless brooding. The onset is gradual; the anxiety can occur over long periods of time. Involves recurrent, sudden, unexpected attacks of anxiety that is also tied to no specific threat or stimuli. Is characterized by apprehensiveness in public eye, acute rather than long term. The onset occurs during adolescence/ early adulthood. Similar to gad, is more common in women ( females are inflicted) Involves persistent and irrational fear of an object or situation that induces anxiety. Is characterized by one"s imagination that is sufficient enough to provoke anxiety. Ex/ phobias include: hydrophobia (water) and claustrophobia (enclosed spaces)