MSCI211 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Msci, Consensus Decision-Making

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Document Summary

Organizational behaviour (ob) is a field of study that investigates how individuals, groups, and structure affect and are affected by behavior within organizations. Behavior is what people do in the organization, how they perform, and what are their attitudes. Organizations refer to businesses, ob is applied to workplace issues such as: absenteeism, turnover, productivity, motivation, working in groups, and job satisfaction. Managers apply knowledge gained from ob to help manage their organizations. Entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals interact with others as part of their work. Ob applies pretty much anywhere where interaction with others occur: relevant where people come together and share experiences. First: individual (such as the wal-mart greeter handing out smiley balloons) Second: group (such as 3 employees of praxair, a distributor of bottled industrial gases who meet to discuss work) Third: structure (employees working in a cubicle at bloomberg, a financial media company)