KIN250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Skill Position, Health Promotion, Outline Of Health Sciences

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10: gender and sex in sport and activity. Nature of the activity in sport and work -very meaningful for gender. Sport physical labour reserved for men. Socialize masculinity confirmation of who is man and who is not. Gender ideology in canada is based on a two-category classification system that . Assumes two mutually exclusive categories heterosexual male and heterosexual female. Encourages these categories to be perceived in terms of difference, as opposites". Leaves no space for those who do not fit into either of the two categories. Involves inequities when it comes to power and access to power. Gender ideology is crucial because: gender is a fundamental organizing principle of social life, gender ideology influences how we: Think about and plan for our future. Facts about gender ideology (it is defined in ways that ) Gives some men more access to power while restricting the range of behaviour among all men.