HRM200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Union Busting, Safety Data Sheet, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

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Job evaluaion: within job evaluaion there are a number of methods for idenifying the relaive worth of each job. Straight piecework: what is the name of the government sponsored program, weekly income beneits, no-fault income program? (idk) Right to paricipate, right to know (about hazards), right to refuse unsafe work. Hrm 200 test 3 - short answer quesions: know government sponsored programs/beneits (know 3 of them) In most of canadian, ontario legislaion, job evaluaion and design, there are 4 major compensable factors (name and describe them) The point method is the job evaluaion method where a number of compensable factors are ideniied. It is the degree to which each of these factors is present in the job is determined and an overall point value is calculated. The 4 major compensable factors are: skills, efort, responsibility, and work condiions. During the preliminary step, current job descripion and analysis is used.