[HRM 200] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 41 pages long Study Guide!

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Chapter 1: the strategic role of human resources management. Hrm: the management of people in organizations to drive successful organizational performance and achievement of the organization"s strategic goals. Ensure that the organization finds and hires the best individuals, develops their talent, creates a productive work environment, and continually builds and monitors these human assets. Involves formulating and implementing hrm systems (such as recruitment, performance appraisal, and compensation) Crucial that the hr strategy be aligned with the company"s strategic plan. Human capital: the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of an organization"s workforce. Effective hr practices are related to better organizational performance: benefits range from employee empowerment to extensive training that affects the productivity of employees. Hr practices contribute to the development of embedded knowledge of a firm"s culture, history, processes, and context, Hr practices have been shaped by society"s prevailing beliefs and attitudes about workers and their rights, which have evolved in three stages.