HLTH310 Midterm: PracticeTest_ Module 1- Part 1 _ Quizlet

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Fsh role in females female gonads cortical granules. Mitotic proliferation in females: occurs only in the embryonic ovary and are called oogonia at this stage, 1. Crossing over of non sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes during prophase 2. Random independent assortment during metaphase 1 and 2, do not know which chromosome and sister chromatid will end up where: 1. Released by the pituitary gland: triggers the release of secondary oocytes due to receptors on the tertiary follicle and marks the start of ovulation, 1. Released by the pituitary gland: allows the growth of the primordial follicle into the tertiary follicle due to receptors on the follicles, 1. Head contains the acrosome lysosomes to charge through the zona pellucida: mid-piece contains mitochondria to provide energy when charging through female, ovaries, crossing over occurs, recombination, chiasmata form, egg, germ cells in the gonads, 1. 19 multiple choice questions: region of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach.