HLTH 107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Data Quality, National Institutes Of Health, Unified Medical Language System

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Wikipedia definition: health informatics deals with the resources devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine . Health informatics deals with the resources devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine . Studies the structure, algorithims, behaviour, and interactions of natural and artificial systems which store process, access and communicate information. Facts or observations or measurements ( ex: blood pressure measurements) Terminology is required to describe a data model. Defined relationships between data and concepts ( ex: >= 140/90 mmhg at rest is hypertension) Free-text physicians notes are less informative than structured reports. Same patient record from yesterday contains nothing new and hence no information. Usually specific to individual cases and users. Infer information based on data and existing knowledge. Feed the extracted information to the user to optimize health care. Any health domain + informatics = hi sub-field.