GEOG101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Subsistence Agriculture

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List of vocabs to know for geog 101 midterm #3. Formal sector: jobs in industry, established services and government that are limited to a privileged few. Informal sector: employment that is labour-intensive, absorbs the remainder of the workforce and is open to nearly everyone but ofers a very low standard or living. Squater setlements: temporary structures built up by people with nowhere else to go, which usually suggest illegal occupaion. Economic acivity: interacion in which a good or service is extracted, produced, consumed or exchanged and can be found in nearly everything that people need to live. Economy: the extracion, producion, consumpion and exchange of goods and services. Feudalism: a small-scale economic system based on self-contained estates, controlled by a lord or master. Huning and gathering: a feature of prehistoric human life, the combinaion of killing animals and inding edible plants for food, which required teamwork, efecive communicaion and weapon construcion.