GEOG101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, Dracunculus Medinensis, Trans-Cultural Diffusion

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List of vocabs to know for geog 101 midterm #2. Polygyny: the cultural pracice of a husband having muliple wives. Ecology: the relaionship between plants or animals and the environment. Human ecology: the interconnecions between human populaions and the physical world. Chemical insults: factors, such as drugs, dangerous gases and harmful liquids, that negaively afect human health. Physical insults: traumaic events, such as accidents, shock or radiaion poisoning, that negaively afect human health. Infecious simuli: the efects on a person caused by viruses, bacteria or other physical insults. Psychosocial insults: the efects of things such as crowding, anxiety, belonging or love on a person"s health. Populaion: the number of people in an area as well as the age, gender and geneic characterisics of a society. Habitat: the natural characterisics and cultural aspects of an environment. Behaviour: in the triangle of human ecology, the efects of cultural norms or societal organisaions on human health.