ENVS201 Midterm: definitions and textbook notes

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Law-making bodies are the legislatures (making laws by enacting statutes and creating regulations) and the courts (decisions that interpret statutes or decisions that establish common law). Regulations: legally enforceable rules created by the governor in council (federal) or lieutenant governor in council (provincial) providing practical details of how a statute is to be implemented. Common law: a system of law based on the english tradition, which relies on precedence rather than on codified rules (case law generally). Judge-made decision about similar cases stretching back in time. 2 rules; laws apply to all citizens, disputes between citizens and gov. should be decided by an impartial judicial body. Law is devoted to preservation and change; protect resources and facilitate technological advances. Quebec is civil law: private disputes between citizens. Constitution: a document that establishes the basic framework under which all other laws are created and the basic principles to which all laws must conform: constitution act, 1867: created dominion of canada,