ECE327 Final: ECE 327 University of Waterloo 2011 Term 1 Final Solution

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A hardware description language whose semantics de ne the structure of hardware will not be an improvement over vhdl and verilog. The only advantage is that the new language would clearly de ne what is synthesizable. This could be the entire language, which would be a disadvantage compared to vhdl and. If there are parts of the language that are not synthesizable, this could complicate the semantics, because for some parts of the language, the structural semantics would be something similar to null or unsynthesizable . Your task is to design a small (16 16 pixel) test image for functional veri cation of kirsch edge detectors. Using words and/or pictures, describe an image that meets these goals. (page 2 of 14) In this question, you will design a data ow diagram for the following equation: (a + b) (b + c) (c + d) (d + e)