CS200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Blackwall Tunnel, Sarcoma

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Excel: consider the following screenshot of a slightly augmented version of the sort marks workbook discussed. The macros attached to the buttons by id #, by name, and by. If you hard-code the range b3:d15 into the macro, any new students you add beyond the 15th row will not be included or sorted, making for an incomplete representation of information. A named range is dynamic and adjusts as information is added, deleted, or modified within it: refer to the screenshot, supply a formula appropriate for cell l147 in the s balance column. Column l is for the a balance bruh which column u talkin about. For the s balance column, we might use the formula: =if(=f147, m146+j147-k147, M146: supply a formula appropriate for cell i137 of the cd charge column. Why would u need a formula for this column idgi: explain the purpose and use of values in the statement number and posting order columns in this spreadsheet.