BIOL359 Midterm: Evolution Midterm 1 Review

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The intelligent design is a scientific theory which holds that biological complexity is inconsistent with darwinian evolution and can only be explained by intelligent design. This theory has been controversial, due to the attempts of some school boards to add it to the required curriculum. The school board also held that a disclaimer should be read in science class, stating that darwin"s theory of evolution is not a fact and has inexplicable gaps. If the deductions are verified, it becomes more probable that the hypothesis is correct. Importantly, theories must be falsifiable (there must be means of demonstrating that they are wrong) and internally consistent. Intelligent design finds its origins in william paley, who introduced the notion of a designer or watchmaker. Later, this theory has evolved based on the paradigm of irreducible complexity (systems composed of several interacting parts which contribute to its basic function, wherein the removal of an one part causes the system to effectively cease functioning).