BIOL341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, Immunoglobulin A, Devo

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Pathogenesis: disease caused by pathogens; viruses, fungi, parasites, bacteria. Natural barriers: makes it hard for organisms to breach immune system, mucus, hair, saliva, tears. Immune system: collection of organs, tissues, cells, molecules, pathways that maintain homeostasis and provide defense against foreign entities or non-self molecules. Antigens: little bits of pathogens recognized by receptors on immune cells. Innate: recognize pathogens and initiate response very quickly, phagocytes, same time after time. Recognition molecules: recognize pathogens; on cell surface, destroy pathogens. Pattern recognition receptors: recognize patterns on molecules that aren"t changing; bind to. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns: generic molecules found on many diff types of pathogens. Surface receptors: communication; randomly generated, chop up dna and glue it back together to make diff ones. Clonal selection and expansion: body makes many b cells that recognize specific pathogen after initial binding. Signal molecules: produces by activation of innate, stimulate and direct adaptive responses, direct them to tailor a certain immune response.