BIOL309 Study Guide - Final Guide: Flocculation, Aluminium Sulfate, Biofilter

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Sedimentation (coagulation basin) sludge treatment filtration disinfection . Microbes: sand filter layer must be free of organic matter, loam, clay, pore size of filter reflective of sand particle size, trap/adsorb pathogens, will ha(cid:448)e a (cid:862)lifespa(cid:374)(cid:863) (cid:271)efore (cid:272)lea(cid:374)i(cid:374)g is (cid:374)eeded, gravel layer allows uniform flow & drainage. Fluorescent product within 24h at 35c: e. coli: possesses gene for -glucuronidase, will convert fluorogenic/chromogenic substrate within 24h, mug (4-methylymbelliferyl- -d-glucuronide) fluorescent product. Waterborne microbial diseases: epidemics of waterborne disease often show pattern of cases consistent with a common. Us waterborne disease outbreaks reported to cdc: ~12% chemical agents, ~88% biological, ~100% biological agents, disease due to contact (e. g. dermatitis) as well as ingestion, usepa guidelines for fresh recreational water, based on monthly geometric mean: enterococci. <33/100 ml or e. coli < 126/100 ml. World health organization: water-related diseases, diarrhoea, diarrhoea occurs world-wide and causes 4% of all deaths and 5% of health loss to disability most commonly caused by gastrointestinal infections which kill.